Publishers Marketplace Deal Report Disability studies scholar Laura Mauldin's CARE NATION, investigating America's failure to provide meaningful support to its disabled citizens and the resulting reliance on the unpaid caregiving labor of spouses,

Care Nation — out in 2025!

Disability in the Time of Pandemic

Co-edited with sociologists Allison C. Carey and Sara E. Green, this book brings together a collection of social science investigations of disabled people’s experiences in the pandemic from places like the US, Poland, and India.


Made to Hear sensitively and thoroughly considers the structure and culture of the systems we have built to make deaf children hear. Examining the consequences of cochlear implant technology for professionals and parents of deaf children, Laura Mauldin shows how certain neuroscientific claims about neuroplasticity, deafness, and language are deployed to encourage compliance with medical technology.

Honorable Mention: Outstanding Publication from the American Sociological Association’s Section on Disability & Society.

A superb account of how a controversial technology becomes normalized patient by patient. While following families from newborn screening to post-Cochlear implant, Laura Mauldin shows that little of the political turmoil related to this medical technology is salient for the parents faced with a child with hearing loss. — Stefan Timmermans, University of California, Los Angeles